Links for Everyone...


Car Hire:


This is a great company, I think. Small, personal,    friendly and CHEAP! Compare Hertz or Budget...etc.



For courses in Munich -
Run by people who know how to take the tedium out of learning a language.
Michael Martin


Try one of Michael Martin's slide performances -   A mixture of breathtaking slides, music, interesting commentary and humour - Michael is a real professional.

I always thought: 'slides shows, oh my god what could be more boring?' until I saw Michael's 'Teneré' at the Deutsches Museum - wow! - The official website for the only team worth knowing about! - The Guardian's football news...not bad!

Holiday Reports:

Photos and goodness knows what else - feel good, see some sun and some beautiful places...

Munich: - This is a pretty good site if you need info about cinemas or pubs etc. I use it myself all the time when I remember!


Here are a few sites worth checking out...

       Paul, Suzanne, Colm and Jim wack it out!

           The "other" Phil Newton across the Atlantic. Blues, man!!!

News, etc:
I don't think you can beat the BBC - - no advertising, no flashing icons to disturb you - wonderful!
Irish Pubs in Munich and Salzburg -
Here you can find out to a fair degree of accuracy what's going on in the Irish Pubs...gigs, football, events, etc.
The Crow's Nest, Liverpool - (at the end of this page)
One of my favourite drinking holes in Liverpool. Friendly, comfy, good atmosphere and even table service!!


If you don't want me to do your translations, then try:
  - reliable, accurate and fast!!


Try - I find these guys really cheap and helpful
...or for cheap flights for example from London - Munich, etc: 
        "go" which now belongs to...
 ...who are competing with..., cheap!!


go back to home                                                    Updated: 02. Dezember 2002

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